Contact Us
+91 96204 56205
12th cross, Shree Chakra Nagar, Andrahalli, Vishwaneedam Post, Bangalore – 560091

General Questions
Is the School Registered?
The Golden Valley public school is registered.
Does the school have classes up to grade X?
We have classes up to grade X. We have the 2th batch of X std students at present.
At what age can a child be enrolled for admission to LKG class?
A child who is 3 years 6 months old by June 1st of that academic year can be enrolled for admission to the nursery class.
When does a child get admission to grade I?
A child who has completed Upper Kindergarten / Montessori and is 5 years 6 months old by June 1st of that academic year can get admission to Grade I.
When does a child get admission to grade I?
Admissions for various classes depend on the availability of seats during the course of the year. Hence the school can be contacted whenever the need arises. However the admissions for the Nursery Classes begin as early as October of the previous academic year.
Which are the documents that we need to submit at the time of admission?
For admission into nursery classes and grade I the original birth certificate of the child must be submitted. Care must be to get it laminated before submission. In case of grades II and above Marks card from the previous school studied and Original Transfer Certificate (T.C) laminated must be submitted.
Is transportation available at our door steps?
Transportation is provided to various places however there is no door to door drop or pick -up facility. Certain pick up and drop points will be decided upon by the transport department of the school which will be made known to parents in advance.
How often is the parent -Teacher meet conducted?
Parent – Teacher meets are almost bi- monthly in nature. Parents can have one to one interaction with the teachers and school authorities provided they follow the time schedule announced from time to time.
Which are the documents that we need to submit at the time of admission?
For admission into nursery classes and grade I the original birth certificate of the child must be submitted. Care must be to get it laminated before submission. In case of grades II and above Marks card from the previous school studied and Original Transfer Certificate (T.C) laminated must be submitted.
Is transportation available at our door steps?
For admission into nursery classes and grade I the original birth certificate of the child must be submitted. Care must be to get it laminated before submission. In case of grades II and above Marks card from the previous school studied and Original Transfer Certificate (T.C) laminated must be submitted.
Are the children made to do projects at home?
CCE demands projects at all levels. To enhance the conceptual understanding, creativity, team work and a thorough involvement, most of the projects are designed in such a way that it can be completed in the school itself. However a few projects may have to be done partially at home. Sufficient time will be given for its completion.
What are the co-curricular activities conducted by the school?
Several activities like arts and crafts are a part of the curriculum. Special emphasis is also laid on teaching music, dance, painting, pottery,gardening, karate etc. Children will be encouraged to develop some interesting hobbies like philately, bird watching, gardening etc, teachers as well as part – time professionals are appointed for the purpose. Field visit are a part of the programme.
Is there any medical facility available in case a child falls sick?
First aid is surely available on campus. However medical assistance is promptly made available through several contacts and near by clinics and hospitals.
In case we wish to contact the class teacher on any other day other than the meeting, what must we do?
The class teacher can be contacted in person with prior permission from the school authorities. Any other clarification can be made by sending a note in a dairy and getting a response for the same in the dairy. Avoid getting the teacher’s telephone number and troubling her often by making queries over phone.
When can we meet the school authorities?
The school office works from 9am to 4pm. However any meeting can take place with the prior permission.
Who are the school authorities?
The school authority is The Chairman.